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Second life:
The rebirth of an old 1920s house as a nolstagic timeless black and white abode, exuding elegance and historic charm.

Challenged with revitalizing a historic residence in Grace Park, our team embarked on a journey to transform a dated 1920s house into a captivating black and white haven. Confronted by structural limitations and uneven floors, we embraced the challenge, envisioning a space brimming with charm and character. By integrating vaulted ceilings and arched brick walls, we paid homage to the home's heritage while infusing it with contemporary flair. Drawing inspiration from nostalgic brickwork patterns, we artfully merged period aesthetics with modern sensibilities. The timeless black and white palette not only adds sophistication but also enhances the perception of space and dimension, ensuring a timeless appeal for generations to come.


Homes with personalities is what we're all about.

We are a great fit for you if you care about good living.
The art of good living goes beyond brands and style - it is about giving place and space personality and chracter. We need to work with you to create our unique blend of essense. Our job is to lay the groundwork for a good living home that is enjoyed across all generations.

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You're a home proud owner, that practices or seeks to live better.

You value a good floor plan. The flow from a space to another is EVERYTHING in a good home.

You understand that nothing is coincidental.
Everything in a good home is by design.

You have countless images of your dream home and need help realising them.