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Preserving Heritage:
An Asian Contemporary Bungalow's journey of cultural synthesis, that is timeless, elegant, and ever relevant.

In crafting the bungalow on Margoliouth, the client's vision for a home marrying Asian influence with luxury and elegance was a delightful challenge. Drawing inspiration from Japanese proportions while infusing elements of Chinese and Southeast Asian heritage, we embarked on a journey of cultural synthesis. From the rich aroma of hinoki wood to the delicate texture of rice paper wallpaper, every detail was carefully chosen to reflect humility, modernity, and a harmonious blend of Asian sophistication with contemporary flair. This residence stands not only as a timeless testament to exquisite design but also as a proud celebration of cultural identity—a sanctuary where tradition and innovation coalesce, ensuring enduring admiration for generations to come.


Homes with personalities is what we're all about.

We are a great fit for you if you care about good living.
The art of good living goes beyond brands and style - it is about giving place and space personality and chracter. We need to work with you to create our unique blend of essense. Our job is to lay the groundwork for a good living home that is enjoyed across all generations.

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You're a home proud owner, that practices or seeks to live better.

You value a good floor plan. The flow from a space to another is EVERYTHING in a good home.

You understand that nothing is coincidental.
Everything in a good home is by design.

You have countless images of your dream home and need help realising them.